Faith Heist

Faith Heist

Released: 2021
Genre: Action, Comedy

When a charismatic preacher finds his church in financial ruin after being swindled by a shady financial advisor, he rallies members of his congregation to pull off a heist to get their money back and save the church before it's too late.

Faith Heist is a Canadian television comedy heist film, directed by J.B. Sugar and released in 2021. The film stars Jonathan Langdon as Benjamin Wright, the pastor of an inner-city Black church, who enlists members of his congregation to pull off a heist to save the church after it is swindled out of all of its money by an unscrupulous financial advisor

The film's cast also includes Dalmar Abuzeid, Sagine Sémajuste, Steve Lund, Marty Adams, Marium Carvell, Eden Cupid, Leah Doz, Okiki Kendall, Jaeden Noel, Aaron Poole and Nadine Roden. The film was shot in fall 2020 in Hamilton, Ontario.

The film premiered in April 2021 on Super Channel Heart & Home in Canada and Bounce TV in the United States.

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